See also:
Animation Reviser Tutorial
NG Tree Builder Tutorial
---- History 1.1.0.~ ------------------------------------------
Note: there has been a jump in release numbers (from to because there have been a lot of fixing and different new features and I think that, all these new features, validate this jump in release version numbers.
- Rebuilt from scratch the frame generator for Animation Wizard.
This new feature is optional, you can enable it (or less) using the "Use NG Frame Generator" option that you find in last window of Animation Wizard.
Note: if you enable the ng frame generator, you can choosing to enable (or less) another option: "Keep Object on the ground". This option is useful only in specific situation, when you perform an animation where lara (or other human moveable) bends over to reach the floor but, if you don't move the object for each frame in a lower position, bending only the legs it will let Lara floating over the floor. So, in this situation, you can enable "Keep object on ground"option and the program will set Lara touching the floor in every frame.
- Added new settings in "Animation" frame of "Animation Editor" window
In spite there was alread a slider for speed of animation, I addes a new control to change the speed, to have a finer control.
It has been added the "Slow Motion" button, to slow down the animation in 3d view. It works only when it's working the auto-animation mode.
Below the "Slow Motion" button, there are other two littler buttons, "Faster" and "Slower", to change the intensity of slow-motion.
Note: There is a progressive change of slow-motion grade, in according with the speed whith that you click on [Faster] or [Slower] buttons. When you click faster (letting less the 0.5 or 0.2 second of delay) the change will be stronger, while if you let elapsing more than 0.5 of second, the change will be littler, to have a finer adjustment.
The grade of slow-motion that you set, it will be saved and restored at next running of the program.
- Fixed bug in Animation Wizard. It happened sometimes that a mesh was turned in wrong direction, performing a longer rotation than wished.
(1) To avoid this bug it's necessary to enable the "Use NG Frame Generator" option.
(2) To explain better these bugs (and others), see the html document with images "history_fixer_wad_merger_1_0_0_5.htm"
- Fixed bug in Animation Wizard
In paste version, when you tried to create an animation between two frames (first and last frame) where Lara was in stand-up position in first frame, while she was curled up in last frame, the intermediate frames of new animation, had big troubles, in particular way in the "leg zone".
Note: to avoid this bug it's necessary to enable the "Use NG Frame Generator" option.
- Fixed bug in Animation Wizard
In previous version, when you worked on an animation where the object was moved (and not only turned on some of its meshes) the final animation was wrong: the movemement on z axis (blue axis) looked as inverted.
- Fixed bug in [Frame->Paste (insert)]" menu command.
In the past, the frame was not inserted in current frame position but only in one of these two chances: or as first frame, or as last (appened) frame of animation.
Now this bug has been fixed and the frame will be placed always at right (current frame index +1) of selected frame.
Note: since that, using above method, it should be not possible insert a frame at start of animation, when you use [Frame->Paste (insert)]" command and the current frame was 0 (first frame of animation), you will be prompted if you wish inserting the clipboard frame at start of animation (index=0) or less (second frame, index=1).
This question will occur ONLY when the current frame position was 0, of course.
- Fixed many opportunities of crash
In previous version there were different situation where the program crahsed. It happened when the user tried to perform an operation, working on current frame, current animation or some mesh, but there was no selected animations or meshes.
Now the user will be warned with a message box that operation was not possible in that moment.
- Fixed bug about updating of collision box data
In previous version, after some change of collision box of current frame, trng fixer forgot to update the values in its six text boxes.
It happened after the "Collision->Calculate Collision (frame) or (animation)" commands and after a "Frame->Paste (replace)" command.
- Fixed bug in "Relative Rotate mesh" window
In previous versions, when you performed a relative rotation of some mesh (like mesh 7), that rotation affected also the followig mesh (8).
- Changed some text in Animation Wizard window
This is a very little fixing...
Using often Animation Wizard I noticed that sometimes I confused the "first frame" page with "last frame" page, and this it happened because they are almost identical. So, to get in better evidence the only one difference, I changed the "last" (frame) word in capital letters.
- Fixed bugs in Import/Export animations
In previous versions, some exported animations in .trw file, were corrupted. It happened when you removed animcommands from an animation and then you'll export it. When, later, you tried to import that file, the animation was messed up.
- Fixed bug about collision box
In previous versions, the menu commands: [Collision->Calculate Collision (Frame)] and [Collision->Calculate Collision (Animation)], got a wrong collision box for Lara.
Note: the above bug was present only for Lara' slots and not for other moveables
- Added "NG Tree Builder" module
Now, closed to old [Mesh Tree Editor] button (let unchanged), there is the [NG Tree Builder] button.
NG Tree Builder works with a very different approach respect old "Mesh Tree Editor".
Instead letting at level builders the target to change low level data (as PUSH and POP flags), NTB (Ng Tree Builder) will allow to user to create a list of "mesh joints" pairs (parent->child), letting to the program the target to build the low level data to get a final valid joint tree.
With NTB you can also change the trasposition coordinates (x,y,z) for each mesh, to customize fully the joints and to have meaningful names for each mesh.
There is also the chance to scale the positions of mesh joints to get giants or minuscule moveables, starting from an existing enemy.
Note: see NG_Tree_Builder_tutorial.htm to understand better how to work with NTB and how to build new objects from scratch.
- Changed size and placements of controls in "Meshes" frame
Now the mesh list is larger and the [Meshtree Editor] button is in bottom side, instead at right of list box.
The reason of this change is to get more visible characters for meshes' names, since now it's possible assigning meaninguful names to meshes, like "head", "right foot", instead by old generic names: "mesh 0", "mesh 1", ect.
- Added new "Animation Report" button in Animation Editor
It has been added the [Animation Report] button in Animation Editor. It will show a text with technical data about current animation, also, if wished, about single frame data.
In spite it was not so necessary for level builders this report, since I had created it to help me in my programmin job, I thought to let it available also for other people. In this report you can find all internal data, with high level of detail, about anim commands, change states and frames.
- Fixed bug in [Mesh Tree Editor]
In some circustances there was an exception for index out of interval, after having added a new extra mesh.
- Added command to remove an animation from Animation Editor
In the standard Animation Editor, it was not possible deleting an animation, indeed, in spite there was a [remove] button (closed to animation list box) it was disabled.
Now it has been added, in same position of old [Remove] button, a [Delete] button to remove an animation from current slot.
Please, note that there are some limitations: you can delete only last one animation (and not animations in intermediate positions) and you cannot removing also last one animation of current moveable.
- Added chance to have a Next Animation field to jump to other slot
This feature has to be explained...
Practically now you can, while you are in Animation Editor, typing a negative number in Next Animation field (or Next Animation field of change state table).
When you set a negative animation index, that animation will become an absolute index, to jump to animation from first slot of the wad, the Lara's slot. Differently, when you type (normally) a positive number, that index works in relative way, inside of current slot.
For instance, if you are working in Baddy1 slot and you as next animation the value "5" it means the animation of Baddy1 slot in 6th position (from 0 to 5 are six animations). But, if you typed "-5" in NextAnimtion field, then in game the animation will skip to animation 5 of lara slot, i.e. the 6th animaion of whole wad.
Above example should be not so useful,of course.
It works bettere when you want store many special animations for lara in a separate slot. You can create special moves for Lara and then, at end of the animation you can type as NextAnimation, the value "-103", to get that, at end of that special animation, next animation will come back to standard still stand-up position of Lara slot (0 slot).
The reason to work in this way is to avoid the problem to share custom animation for lara with other level builder. Usually you have to choose an empty animation slot in Lara obejct to add this new animation but then, when you share that animation, other level builder could have already used that animation slot.
Differently, if you store all you special animation in a custom slot, then it will be added to wad file without problem and all level builder could use a specific custom animantion based always on same (relative) number, indicized on that custom slot.
The reason because in the past was not practicable above method was own because it was not possible (if not using tricky ways) getting a coming back to common lara's animation after the special animation from a custom slot.
Look at CUSTOM_LARA slot to see some example of above method.
Note: currently there is a limitation for usage of this chance: the custom aniamtion in extra slot, should have same Frame Rate of standard Lara's animation set in Next Frame (with negative value) field. Indeed, in the case the frame rate between current custom animation and the next lara's standard animation had different frame rates, very often there will be a bad frame with random position of Lara's meshes.
- Added skill of left/right shortcuts also for frame bar
Now it's possible using the cursor left/right keys to change current frame, also when slider (at bottom of animation editor window) has not the focus. You can use cursor keys also when the frame bar (immediately below the 3d scene view) has the focus.
Note: this feature works only if auto-animation mode is off and the frame bar has the focus, i.e.: once you clicked on frame bar, it will get the focus and then you'll be able to move forward/backward, frame by frame, with cursor keys.
- Improved precision of angle rotation meshes
In original Wad Merger the angle of rotation for single mesh, displayed in Set Abs Rotation window was always truncated in his integer part. This was a limitation because, the 360th degrees values could be also different than integer values. For instance a mesh could have a rotation angle of 36.63432 degrees but, in the rotation window displayed only "36" in this case. Indeed, you could verify that bug simply clicking on [Ok] button (without performing any change) and you'll see that mesh moving (turning) a bit, own because it was 36.63432 degrees and you unwillingly changed it to 36.
With this new realase you can choose the amount of after point digits. You have to open "WADMerger settings" window to set the precision level you wish. Anyway, if you want, you can also let the old "only integer" way to show rotation angles.
- Added chance to show rotation angles in positive/negative format
Another change about way to dispaly rotation angles of single meshes in Rotate [Abs] window, is the chance to display the angles in the range -180 / +179 degrees, while earlier, it weas always positive 0-360 degrees. Since I know that there could be different attitudes about this change, it is optional: if you wish trying this way you'll have to enable it in WadMerger settings, otherwise it will remain the old "always positive" way to work.
- Fixed bug about slow down in rotation meshes
In previous trng_fixer versions, there was a strong slow down when you tried to do rotate a mesh (in Animation Editor) and you weren't in Animation Wizard mode but in normal 3d scene mode. Now that bug has been fixed and, also outside of Animation Wizard, you can rotate meshes in smooth way.
- Fixed bug about missed updating of Rotate window
In the past, when we were in this situation: one mesh has been highlighted, it has been displayed the "Rotate" window and we click on frame bar to select a different frame, the values in Rotate windows (abs mode) not always were updated with data from new (just clicked) frame. Sometimes old values (of previous frame)was yet showed in Rotate window.
Now, everytime we click on frame, the new rotation (from new selected frame) values will be always showed in Rotate window.
- Solved a confused management of current selected mesh
In past versions, when there was a mesh select in mesh list box, the linked mesh was highlighted in 3d scene and values of same mesh in Rotate window, if we clicked on a different animation in given list box, the mesh list box kept same (previous) selected mesh, in Rotate window there'll be yet the values for previous mesh but... in 3d scene the highlighting of the mesh vanished and wad merger considered there was no selected mesh. In this situation, all commands requiring a selected mesh gave an error or a crash.
After this fixing, when you select a new animation in list box, the mesh list box will show "No mesh" selected item and the (further) Rotate window will be closed, to avoid above confused situation.
- Extended the detection of slots with Lara to show dummy meshes
To get the meaning of this improvement it's necessary explaining some backstage of wad merger and wad files.
There are some slots, like those of lara+weapons, where there are not all meshes but only some meshes and then animations. When a mesh is missing, you should see it like the first mesh of wad file, i.e. the Lara's thigh. This view is rather annoying since all meshes (the head, feet ect) will be showed in that way. Wad merger solved this problem replacing those messed meshes with the right Lara's meshes but, in standard version, it detects only first slots (weapong, crowbar, lara as jeep driver ect) but it missed the new lara's slot, like driver for kayak, motorbike or drone.
Now, this mod works own to detect, as lara's slots, also these new trng's slots and more, if you enable the "Dummy meshes" option in WadMergr Settings, it will be able to detect lara's slots also in not well defined slots. This could be useful if you store an animated lara in some random slot.
Please, note that this last feature requirs to be enabled by settings, by default it's not yet active.
- Added more infos to Animation Editor's title bar
Now, in Animation Editor window, will be displayed in the caption bar the slot-id and name of current loaded object, and more, the current was file name and path.
- Added new button in main window of Wad Merger
It hss been added the [Object Report] to show details about current selected object: Moveable, static or sprite.
When the object isn't e' sprite, you could enable also all detail of mesh structure, vertex by vertex with flags and tail indices.
- Fixed management of static object in Animation Editor
In spite it had been always possible to load in Animation Editor static object, there were some bugs in old wad merger. Now I fixed some of these little bugs, like animation or mesh listboxes, showing yet a list of items of previously loaded moveable.
- Fixed usage of drag icon for rotation and moving
In previous release the little icon (at bottom right corner of animation editor) didn't manage correcly the "Scale" (from "Meshes" menu) command. Now it's possible change the size of mesh also with icons for moving and rotations.
- Restyled old menu command "Meshes->Move Center"
This command, when you were working on a moveable, was buggy, it gave always an error message.
Trying to fix the bug I discovered how it should have been working and I found very smart its target.
Practically with this command (that is different than top-left crossed icon to move all meshes of moveable) you can change the mesh joint of selected mesh, getting to change the mesh tree of current moveable.
Really this chanche is already possible in this release ( using NG Tree Builder, anyway, with the menu command, you have the advantage to see in real-time the moving, using the drag move/rotate icons (at bottom right of the screen)
Note that, to highlight this new feature and get more correct the description of this command, I changed its name from "Move Center" to "Move Mesh", anyway, when you use it on a moveable, you should figure it like it was "Move Mesh Joint"
1) When you are working on a static item, this command will work like in the past.
2) When you try to change the mesh joint value of a moveable, it should be better working outside of any animation, when the object is in its basic posture, otherwise you could get confused by direction of movement, since all axis will be affected by parent rotation of current mesh joint.
3) This command should be used with drag icons or with [Rel] Move window, because the [Abs] move window is still a bit buggy.
- Added [Edit Static] frame in Animation Editor
It has been always possible loading a static item but, in the past, you can only move or resize it. Now in "Edit Static" frame, you find a more complete set of commands.
You can "Move", "Rotate" (changing vertices' positions, not a simple rotation of the view) and change the "Scale" factor (modifying the size on wished axis) of the static.
All above operations can be performed with drag icons at bottom right corner of the window.
In "Edit Static" frame there is also the "Mirror" command, to perform a mirror rotation of the static to simulate a mirror in tomb raider. You can mirror a static on wished of tree axix: X, Y or Z.
- Improved [Add Texture] command
In standard Wad Merger the [Add Texture] button permit to add a "free" texture to current wad file, then, using StrPix, was possible adding this extra texture to some object. The only problem was that the procedure was a bit slow. For each texture it was necessary clicking [Add Texture], another click on [Load] and then on [Add]. For next texture you had to start from [Add Texture] button.
Now it has been added the [Load from Folder] button that permits to add multiple textures (all one stored in the folder) at once.
- Fixed bug in "File->Save Wad" menu command
In previous versions, when in Animation Editor had been loaded a Static item, the menu command: File->Save Wad didn't work. There was a crash, or it was saved a corrupted wad file.
- Added new tool: Texturize Object
It has been added the Texturize Object tool to apply texture to moveable or static objects in Animation Editor.
You find the [Texturize Object] button in Textures frame of Animation Editor window.
About the old method usin StrPix, with Texturize Object you can work on whole moveable (all meshes available) and set different texture editing (flipping and rotating) with specific buttons instead by using combination of CTRL-ALT-LEFT or RIGHT mouse click.
From Texturize Object window you can also adding new textures or perform a mixing of "Export" all textures and then (having modified them) an Import and Replace textures operation.
Surely selecting specific face is less rapid than in StrPix (In T.O. tool you cannot click on the mesh but you have to select the mesh and then the face from a drop-list), anyway in this way it's always easy reach each face, while with strpix was a bit tricky texturize some little faces partially hidden by other.
I suggest to try a bit this new tool to verify if you find it more comfortable than StrPix.
- Improved Sound Manager tool
In standard Sound Manager there were some little bugs that I tried to fix:
* Typing too high values in VOL, CH, RAD (ect) fields, there was a crash
* Values typed in fields were a little different than those really saved in internal structures
* It was not possible setting in indipendent way [L] and [R] flags, since, the activation of one, got other disabled
* The VOL value showed in the field was the half of real value.
* Typying some values in some field, it sometimes affected that also another field changed.
Other the above bug fixing, I added also a little [Help] button to have some info about the target of flags and fields.
It has been added also the SUB: field, to show amount of sub-files of some sound effect (like LARA_FEET, that has 4 sub-files). This field was already present in internal structure of sound info, but Sound Manager didn't show and update it.
---- Histort ------------------------------------------
- Fixed bug about SetPosition anim command
In and versions, the SetPosition anim commands were not visible in anim command window, in spite they were present in the animation.
It happened for default setposition or trng setposition (exported trng triggers for animcommands)
---- History ------------------------------------------
- Fixed bug about wrong folder used to load/save with ctrl key
In previous release, when you save current wad using click on [Save Wad] holding CTRL key, the program saved the wad using right name but it used always the default wad folder, in spite you loaded that wad from another folder.
Same problem happened with [Load Wad] button.
- Replaced old "browse folder" dialog in Settings window
In old wadmerger, when you wished change some folder from settings window, will show a selfbuilt dialog to browse the folder.
Now that browse folder it has been replace with a more comfortable Windows dialog.
---- History ------------------------------------------
- Fixed bug about misplaced position of buttons
In first release, on some computers, the new trng buttons it will be drawn in wrong position
- Fixed bug about crash about saving/loading wad file
In first release, on some computers, there was a crash when user click on [Load Wad] or [Save Wad]
- Moved rotation and 3d view buttons
In first release, the position of new 3d View and Rotate Meshes buttons, were too closed to timeline and it happened to hit them accidentally.
- Added buttons to move meshes
Since that, using colored pivots to move meshes, it was easy move the meshes also on axis different that wished, I added new trng buttons to move meshes in more precise way.
Note: under the move mesh buttons, there will be real values in tomb raider units of absolute position of current mesh, while in the Move mesh window there is the proportional value, where "1" it means one sector.
- Fixed bug about missed releasing of Windows resources
In previou release some internal resources (handles of device context, HDC) were not correctly released, with the result that, after a long usage of wadmerger, Windows had no more resources to run correctly.
- Fixed misplaced position for "3d Vide and Mesh buttons" frame
The position of the frame in some circustances was covered by 3D window and it doesn't change its position in according with current size of Animation Editor window.
---- History ------------------------------------------
- Fixed bug about 500 moveable slot limit.
In spite michiel had expanded the size of internal arrays to host upto 1000 moveables, I met problems when I added a further new slot with id 500.
Studying the problem I discovered a bug that failed the copying of moveable with slot ID >= 500.
- Improved management of "Speed" field.
Now you can set also for speed decimal (dot numbers) values.
- Added fields for lateral speed
Now you can set the lateral speed "L-Speed:" and lateral acceleration "L-Accel:"
The tomb raider engine always used these two fields but in the past their target was unknown.
Setting a valid value in these hiddend fields you can to do move an object at its right (positive speed) or at its left (negative speed), both with its side acceleration field linked with it.
Since that common Speed allows to move forward (positive values) or backward (negative values), now you can set a speed to move the item in any hortogonal direction.
- Fixed bug about invalid text typed in Speed field.
In original wad merger when you set a "-" (to type a negative number) it occured a crash.
Same speech for any other key different than digits.
Now all invalid values will be simply ignored.
- Changed default position for Animation Wizard window
That was not a real bug, of course, anyway it was a bit boring that the wizard window was placed always in top left side of animation editor, where there are all menu and button commands to use.
Now the wizard window will be drawn at right, where it doesn't cover anything of important.
- Fixed bug about misplaced frame pointer.
This bug occured in this situation:
* The slideshow of animation was off
* The frame bar was pointing on one of last frames of current animation
* You clik on animation list choosing a different animation that has a number of frames lower than previous animation (or you clicked on [New Animation] button)
* Now the frame bar is pointing to an unexisting frame of new animation
* In this situation if you set some command that affected the current frame, wad merger crashed
Above bug has been fixed, forcing always the frame 0, in frame bar, everytime you click (at first time) on a new animation.
- Replaced the name of "Command 3" animcommand.
Now you can see the name for this command that describes its target: "Free Hands"
When this animacommand will be performed the engine will consider that lara had free hands: no weapons, torch, or grabbing wall.
You should use this animcommand when you make an animation that begins while lara is holding some weapon/torch, and you wish that she, at end of the animation, had free hands, not only for the meshes (this is your target to realize with animation) but also for the engine. In this way lara will be able newly to extract weapons or grab walls, climbing ect.
- Added expanded description for trng setposition animcommands.
Now, when an animcommand is from trng, you'll see in the list also the description about trigger, frame and extra parameters of that setposition command.
- Fixed crashes for editing of animation fields
When there is "no animation" selected, any change in (many) animation fields, like "StateId:", "NextAnimation", "Speed" ect, affected a crash.
This crash happened also clicking on [Replay] button.
- Added buttons for moving 3d view.
Now, labelled as "3D View" there are three little graphic buttons to zoom, move and rotate the current 3d view.
They are simply duplicated of already present keyboard+mouse commands to get above targets, anyway I used a meta-sequoia style to move 3d view because it is more user-friendly, IMHO.
- Added buttons for mesh rotation
In spite there were already three different ways to rotate selected mesh, I didn't like any of them so much.
The "Relative" rotation, whereby the "Rotate" window, sometimes messed up the animation.
The "Absolute" rotating, worked, but it's not easy set an absolute value when you wish rotate a bit more/less current mesh.
By other hand, the further method: grabbing the red/green/blue pivots in 3d view, it's not always so easy to realize; in some position it seems impossible grabbing it, and so you had to move 3d view and trying over and over.
These three new rotate buttons, work in relative way, one for each (around) rotation axis: X (red), Y (green), Z (blues).
Note: these buttons will be available only when you popup the old [Rotate] window, while when the [Rotate] window is missing, also the rotate mesh buttons will be invisible.
- Added Frame Collision box panel.
It has been added a panel about frame collision box.
Now you can customize manually current frame collision box.
I added this feature because wad merger supported only the automatic creation of collision boxes with bounding but when you needed to change a bit the collision box it was necessary using FixAnim program, working on tr4 file.
Now you can perform these operations directly from wad merger.
In the collision box panel there are are also three buttons:
[Copy] To copy current collision box to clipboard
[Paste] To set in current frame the collision box saved in clipboard
[Set All] To copy current collision box to all other frames of current animation.
- Fixed some bugs about trmvb file importing
* When the moveable had only one mesh there was a "Subscription out of range" error
* When the object had triangle textures, the program gave very often a "Overflow" error
* When the object was a new NG object, wad merger assigned to it always the slot 0 (LARA), prompting for replacing and moving it to lara slot
* After the importing the object was misplaced on Z axis (missing of conversion for Z translation point)
* After the importing the collision box of moveable was messed up (for obscure reasons)
- Improved [Load Wad] button command.
Now you can reload last wad file you had elaborated in previous job session, cliking the [Load Wad] button, keeping down the CTRL key.
- Improved [Save Wad] button command
In standard wadmerger it was always necessary browse and choose the .was file to save, also when you wished only save current wad file on disk with same name.
Now if you keep down the CTRL key while you click on [Save Wad] button, it will be saved on disk the current wad, with no prompting or browsing operations.
- Added new button: [<< Static] in main window of WadMerger
I added a new button to copy static items from source wad to target wad.
It has been necessary to fix a bug in static copying with common [<< Copy] button: the extra static items were ignored by old button.
Note: theoratically you should use the new [<< Static] button only when you selected a static in source wad, anyway, if you select a moveable the new button will work like old [<< Copy] button but with smartcopy (temporarily) disabled.
- Fixed bug about renaming of static object
This bug occured when you copied a static with [<< Copy] button holding down the SHIFT key to rename the static.
In standard wadmerger the renaming had no effect and the static kept the original objectid/name of source wad.
- Fixed bug about key_hole copying
In original wadmerger program, when you try to copy a key_holeN item from source wad to target wad and the smartcopy is enabled, the program gave a error message: "Unable to use SmartCopy! Please hold SHIFT while pressing the copy buttoUnable to use SmartCopy!"
- Fixed bug in Animation Wizard procedure
In original Wadmerger program, when you created a new animated sequence with Animation Wizard, it happens, very often, that last frame of new animation had mesh positions of first frame instead by last frame you had set in animation wizard phase.
- Added settings about cloned meshes
It has been added a new setting option, you find in Settings window of Wad merger program, labelled as "Do not remove cloned meshes"
Original wadmerger had a check to avoid to save twice the two (or more) meshes that had same data (vertices, faces ect).
In this way the final wad file was shorter and this is good, anyway in some circustance this removal of duplicated (or cloned) meshes affected some trouble. It happens when you are working to create a swap mesh or new outfits and you cann't really getting a copy of another lara (or enemy) since wadmerger used same mesh for both moveables.
Now you can disable this removal, checking the fixer setting "Do not remove cloned meshes" and when you save the wad, each moveable will have its own meshes in distinct way for further elaborations.
Note: since the disabling of cloned mesh removal affects a big increase of wad size, I suggest to use only temporarily this new fixer option, while you are working on new objects, then, when you completed your job, you should disable it to remove newly the duplicated meshes.
- Supported uv mapped objects from .trmvb files
In the past, when you remap object from tr4 file using meta2tr program, the final object was not importable in wad files because the uvmapped textures had an uncompatible format (not orthogonal bounding) with wad format.
Anyway now it's possible importing in wad files, object uvmapped following this procedure:
1) Remap object from tr4 using metasequoia and meta2tr programs.
2) Export from tr4 file the object as .trmvb file, using TrViewer program
3) Import the .trmvb file in wad merger using [Import] button.
4) Now trng fixer will detected the presence of uvmapped texture in the object and will prompt you to remap the object.
5) You answer: [Yes] and the object will be imported in the wad like a common moveable
Note: after the remapping a new file file will be created with same name of source .trmvb but with added the prefix "UVM_" (UVMapped). If in the future you wish import newly this object you can use this UVM_ file, since now the object in this file it has been alredy remapped with compatible textures, avoiding to repeat the remapping procedure.
- Improved trmvb file importing
* When trmvb file contains objects from tr1/2 or 3 adventure, the file will be updated, to follow tr4 standards, to be imported correctly in WadMerger.
This procedure will create also a new .trmvb file with same source name but with prefix "tr4_" to remember that it has been already converted to tr4 standard.
* Now wadmarger will ask about the slot where insert the imported object
- Fixed bug about sprites
In original wad merger program it was not possible delete sprites object from the wad.
- Fixed some bug about .trc level loading
* When wadmerger loaded a level from Tomb Raider Chronicles there were many errors about building sfx sounds from animations.
* Some .trc levels stopped the loading with error message: "ReadTr -> Error reading level Opening file"
- Fixed bug in .swd creation.
Original wad merger, when it created the .swd file (the file containing sprite data) the sprite map had many empty zones for a bad alignment, affecting a big (futile) growth of this map.
- Fixed bug in large sprite management
Original Wadmerger was not able to manage sprites with size larger than 128x128 pixels.
Now max size is 256x256 pixels.
Note: in spite now WadMerger is able to support sprites upto 256x256 pixel, the NG tom2pc program failed to remap sprites with this size. So, until I'll not fix that bug in tom2pc program, you can use only sprites with max size of 255x255 pixels.